The Power of Self-Care and Relaxation for the Treatment of Pain

The Power of Self-Care and Relaxation for the Treatment of Pain

Everyone has experienced pain at some point in their lives, whether this is physical or emotional. For many of us the first instinct might be to reach for medication, but did you know that there are alternative methods to find relief? Pain management doctors, such as those working at Read the rest

Hospice Care: Ask 16 Questions Before Selecting A Hospice Care Provider

Hospice Care: Ask 16 Questions Before Selecting A Hospice Care Provider

The family’s role in caregiving has expectations.  What are they?

You want to make sure that what the family expects is compatible with what the hospice care provider expects the family to do.

You have specific needs.  Can the hospice care provider meet them?

The hospice staff needs to be … Read the rest

Short Run May Improve Brain Function, Study Says

Short Run May Improve Brain Function, Study Says

The Key Takeaways

  • Recent research shows that brain function can be improved in a short time.
  • Experts don’t know enough about the effects of running on brain function.
  • Running can have many other benefits that can be enjoyed by anyone, including reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Another reason Read the rest

What Are The Benefits Of In-Home Care For Special Needs Adults

What Are The Benefits Of In-Home Care For Special Needs Adults

In-home care is not reserved solely for the senior population. Any person of any age can benefit from the services if there is a particular need. Nowadays, there are a vast array of opportunities for those with disabilities and chronic illnesses to be more independent with living among their communities Read the rest