The Health Benefits of Kayaking

The Health Benefits of Kayaking

While kayaking is often a fun-filled adventure, it also offers countless health benefits as well. Beyond the joy and excitement that the sport brings there is a treasure trove of health benefits just waiting to be discovered. There are so many ways it can boost both physical and mental wellbeing. Read the rest

The Impact of Nutrition On Stress – Foods That Help and Those That Hurt

The Impact of Nutrition On Stress – Foods That Help and Those That Hurt

Stress is something that is part and parcel of being human. In fact, it is essential for our survival. Nevertheless, it is also something that can have a negative impact on both physical and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, in our busy modern lives, it can often feel as though stress is Read the rest

The Power of Self-Care and Relaxation for the Treatment of Pain

The Power of Self-Care and Relaxation for the Treatment of Pain

Everyone has experienced pain at some point in their lives, whether this is physical or emotional. For many of us the first instinct might be to reach for medication, but did you know that there are alternative methods to find relief? Pain management doctors, such as those working at Read the rest